SETAC – South Etobicoke Transit Action Committee

Christie’s Planning Study – Virtual Meeting Nov. 5 @ 6:15pm

Upcoming Engagement on the Draft Christie’s Planning Documents

On September 22nd, 2020, City staff reported to the on Planning and Housing Committee on the City’s vision for the Christie’s Planning Study area. Staff presented a draft Secondary Plan, a Zoning By-law and Urban Design and Streetscape Guidelines which together provides a framework for a transit focused, walkable community with a mix of land uses and community facilities. The report also summarized the development applications that First Capital has made on the Christie’s property. City Council directed staff to consult with the community on the draft planning documents and gather feedback on the development applications. The Staff Report and draft documents are all available for your review on the Christie’s Planning Study webpage.

We welcome your input on the draft documents at a virtual public meeting scheduled on November 5th, 2020 and on our forthcoming Christie’s Planning Study EngageTO page (details to come in the next few days).

Talk to City Staff at the Virtual Consultation Meeting

Join us on November 5th for the Christie’s Virtual Community Consultation Meeting! Staff will present the draft Christie’s planning documents followed by a live question and answer period. Staff working on the review of First Capital’s applications and development of the Park Lawn Lake Shore Transportation Master Plan will also be available to respond to questions. To participate in the meeting online or by phone, see the information provided below.

Christie’s Planning Study Virtual Consultation Meeting

Event Link:

Date and Time: Thursday, November 5, 2020 6:15 – 8:00pm. Presentations will begin at 6:30pm.

Event Number: 133 432 4292

Event Password: christiesTO

Audio Conference: To receive a call back, provide your phone number when you join the event, or call the number below and enter the access code. Canada Toll +1-416-915-6530 Access code: 133 432 4292


Tips for participating in Webex Events can be found here. Please note that this meeting will be recorded.

Staying in Touch

Please continue to submit your feedback and questions related to the Christie’s Planning Study to Laura Pfeifer, the City Planner, at or at 416-395-7059.

Any questions or comments on the development applications submitted by First Capital can be directed to Sabrina Salatino at or at 416-394-8025.

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