A request for TTC to study the feasibility of relocating the Humber Loop and creating a dedicated streetcar right-of-way between St. Joseph’s hospital and Exhibition Place has been approved by Council. Now, we must tell the TTC and Council that we actually want them to do it!
“We, the undersigned, strongly urge the TTC and City Council to include the elements of Motion 11 in the 2016 Toronto Transit Commission Capital Budget.”
Please sign the petition hosted by our partner in this effort, Our Place Initiative, and add your voice to the growing number of Etobicoke residents who want ACTION on their transit needs!
We are aiming for 1,000 signatures to present to City Council and the TTC on June 15th, 2015. If we have 1,000 signatures, they can’t ignore us any longer.
It’s time for our voices to be heard!
This website says SETAC meetings take place on the first Thursday of each month at Humber college, room a116. Anybody know what time?
Hi Jessica,
The SETAC meetings are 6.15-8pm on the first Thursday of each month at Humber College, Lakeshore Campus, Building A (at the south-west end of the building). Please email us at info@setac.ca if you are intending to attend so we can notify you of the Agenda and any changes.
The difficulty I have with this proposal is that it doesn’t alleviate the transit issues that plague Mimico, New Toronto and Long Branch. Apart from infringing on increasingly scarce parklands, the relocated Humber Loop eliminates a streetcar transfer for new condo residents but continues to leave everyone needing to farther west in the lurch, with no solution for the interminable wait times for a Long Branch 501 streetcar. What am I missing? Yes, Humber Bay Shores should not be ignored, but what about established communities along the Lakeshore that face a dearth of transit???
Hi Jessica,
Thanks for your comments.
SETAC is aware that streetcar reliability and service west of Humber Loop has been erratic at best, and we are speaking with the TTC and local elected individuals to improve this situation.
While Motion 11 is not perfect, the streetcar right of way connection between the Queensway and Roncesvalles and the Exhibition will provide far more route mileage separated from traffic and autos. This will improve reliability of streetcars west of Roncesvalles. Furthermore this link will increase TTC capacity between the west end and downtown, making it easier to get on over-crowded streetcars.
Hi Jessica,
I share your frustration!
As Mike mentioned, the ROW will not solve everything, but it should help in several ways. Running in mixed traffic east of Roncesvalles is the greatest contributor to unreliability.
Also, it is worth mentioning that the TTC’s recently announced 10-min or better all-day-service network includes the 501 – all the way to Long Branch – so we will soon find out how serious the TTC is about meeting this commitment.
Regarding the relocated loop, SETAC (and Mimico-Lakeshore Network) believes that the Mondelez site is the ideal location for the loop. There it would provide a much better connection to potential future GO station and perhaps also provide for a bus loop for the Prince Edward 66 at the same spot as well and form a transit hub. Also keep in mind that the relocated loop would include a ROW between Park Lawn and current Humber Loop – so it would eliminate having the streetcar get stuck in the traffic that crawls off the Gardiner off-ramp and towards the Humber bridge during peak hours.
To be sure, congestion will creep westward and the benefits of the ROWs will lessen over time, but it’s a good first step!