Upcoming Engagement on the Draft Christie’s Planning Documents On September 22nd, 2020, City staff reported to the on Planning and Housing Committee on the City’s vision for the Christie’s Planning Study area. Staff presented a draft Secondary Plan, a Zoning…
SETAC Submission on TTC 5-Year Service Plan & 10-Year Outlook
On Oct. 9, 2019 SETAC Co-Chair David Meurer attended the City-wide Stakeholder Meeting for the TTC’s 5-Year Service Plan & 10-Year Outlook planning exercise. Supporting documents may be found on the project website. SETAC submitted the following feedback: General Feedback…
TTC Survey
The TTC is nearing the conclusion of its 5-Year Service Plan and 10-Year Outlook. As part of the consultation the TTC has solicited feedback via online surveys. The last of three surveys is underway and is open to responses until…
Christie Lands Planning Study Oct 17, 2019 2-8pm at Trident
A public open house will be held on Thursday, October 17, 2019 from 2 p.m. to 8 p.m. at Trident Banquet & Conference Centre (145 Evans Avenue, Unit 200, Etobicoke, ON M8Z 5X8). In July 2019, City Council reached a…

Support the King Street Pilot Petition
On Tuesday April 9th the Mayor and his Executive Committee will vote on recommendations from City Staff about the King Street Pilot. Make your voice heard by signing the petition. You can also tweet to @torontosmayor @JohnTory, share the ways…
SETAC Meetings – Update
SETAC’s 2019 meetings will move from our previous Humber College location to LAMP, room #302. Date and location details are included with the event listings on SETAC.ca under “Upcoming Events”.

Transit Town Hall Meeting – October 17, 2018
South and Central Etobicoke – Transit Town Hall Meeting – October 17, 2018 – Martin Luther Church, Mimico What we heard from residents Melissa Graham (accessibility), Muhammad Azam (affordability), David Meurer (reliability and service), and Vincent Puhakka (privatization) are residents and…
Etobicoke Transit Town Hall – Wed. Oct. 17 – 7-9pm
Please join us for a transit town hall! TTC Riders, LAMP, and SETAC are co-sponsoring a transit town hall on Wed. Oct. 17, 2018, at Martin Luther Lutheran Church, 2379 Lake Shore Blvd. W in Mimico. Join your neighbours, elected…
Metrolinx Open House on Long Branch, Mimico, and Park Lawn GO Stations
On July 5, 2018, between 2:00 – 4:00 P.M., and 6:00 – 8:00 P.M., Metrolinx will be holding an Open House Public Meeting at Mimico Presbyterian Church (119 Mimico Avenue). The meeting will be an update on upcoming improvements to Mimico…
SETAC Meeting rescheduled from Mar. 1 to Mar. 8
SETAC’s March meeting has been rescheduled from Thursday Mar. 1 to Thursday Mar. 8, from 6-8pm in WEL304A (Welcome building) at Humber College Lakeshore Campus.