If you are confused by the ever-changing diversions while Long Branch loop is being reconstructed, you are not alone!
Since late October, when the buses were removed from the streetcar loop, there have been at least three different looping patterns. And the service advisories on the TTC’s website always seem to be a day or two behind.
- At the start, 110, 123, and 501 buses all looped via Forty Second, James, and Forty First
- Next, the 123 and 110A buses looped simply by turning left onto Lake Shore from Brown’s Line, and left again back to Brown’s Line. The stop at Fortieth Street substituted for the loop. Meanwhile, the 110B bus came south on its regular route, but went back via Brown’s Line. This meant that Thirtieth had no northbound service whatsoever.
- To fix this, now 110 buses basically switch, so a 110A coming down Brown’s Line becomes a 110B and heads east on Lake Shore and north on Thirtieth, while a 110B coming down Thirtieth heads west on Lake Shore and becomes a 110A and heads north on Brown’s Line
In addition to these changes, even the temporary stops move around, it seems daily. Also, where the buses “lay over”, or wait for their scheduled departure back north, seems to change. The net result is that someone who used to ride to or from Long Branch loop is left not knowing when or where their bus will come. Finally, when riders realize that their bus is now on the other side of the road, there is the risk that they will try to cross Lake Shore where it is not safe to do so.
If you are frustrated by these changes, drop SETAC a comment, and we’ll pass it on to the TTC.