Ward 6 Councillor Mark Grimes has requested the TTC to report on relocating Humber Loop to Park Lawn Ave. and Lake Shore Blvd. W, and to create a dedicated right-of-way (ROW) for the streetcar from the eastern end of the ROW at Glendale and The Queensway (St. Joseph’s Hospital), east to Exhibition Place (Motion 11 on March 10, 2015). The TTC’s report is to come before the 2016 budget, so these changes could be included in the 2016 TTC capital budget.
SETAC fully supports this as an excellent start to improving transit service along Lake Shore. The relocation of Humber Loop has been considered for years, and has fallen off the radar for quite some time. Improved streetcar service to Humber Bay Shores is a key action to mitigating both long waits for the streetcar, as well as reducing automobile congestion by providing an attractive alternative, via the new ROW, to travel downtown.
The following quote is from Councillor Grimes’ newsletter:
During this meeting, I strived to ensure that the interests of Ward 6 were protected and made a motion to move forward with a plan that is long overdue: the relocation of Humber Loop. In speaking to TTC CEO Mr. Byford, I requested that staff investigate the feasibility of including both the relocation of the loop and closing the gap on the streetcar’s dedicated right-of-way in the 2016 TTC Capital Budget. I am prepared and excited to work with local Councillors to extend the current dedicated right-of-way from St. Joseph’s Hospital to Exhibition Place with more connection options. You can see a full copy of my motion here.
I’m sure Mark Grimes lives in a nice QUIET suburban side street where he can come and go with ease.. Park lawn Lakeshore is a NIGHTMARE traffic explosion, and putting the LOOP there is a BAD BAD BAD BAD idea.. I cannot even start to explain why this is a bad Idea I would invite Mark Grimes to spend a week sitting at that intersection watching, so maybe he can get a realistic idea about why this would be a BAD idea.. it’s already a 4 way light, ok let’s add another element to this by adding 2 way street car turning.. “shaking head” unless Mark Grimes has to pass through this intersection every day both ways to work, he really should have NO say in what happens in this intersection, Maybe he should be a good council person and ask the Residence of this area what THEY think of this crazy idea..and if they even want this? #1 reason I didn’t vote for him.. no care for the people he is suppose to represent..
1 year later, the nightmare has turned into a night terror. Today dropping the kids off at school i got to experience the joy of that intersection. Thankfully i was driving south on parklawn turning right to go westbound on lakeshore.. totally unencumbered.
My condolences to everyone going eastbound. My condolences to all the cars trapped in their condo car exits unable to merge with traffic because its a standstill. My condolences to the streetcars unable to move because the southbound traffic turning left/eastbound on lakeshore have filled up the intersection.
This is what happens when you stupidly build hundreds of condo’s without thinking. You take the land where you had 20 families with 2 cars each, and now you’ve multiplied that by a factor of 200.. and they all drive to work.
Grimes lives on the etobicoke creek on Westleigh Cres. A quick 5 mins and he’s well on his way downtown on the Gardiner, bypassing Grimesville at Parklawn and Lakeshore. If he were still living on Heman in Mimico there would be no talk of further congesting the area with a TTC loop. Mimico, New Toronto and Longbranch need quick access to the Bloor line and businesses in the area need to be easily accessible to the Humber Bay Condo residents.
Moving the Humber Loop to the Mondelez Mr. Christie site at Lake Shore & Park Lawn is a great idea. Put the Go station there too. The property is big enough and currently abandoned. I like the idea of the Right Of Way to Exhibition Place, but which street will it be on? I’m guessing Lake Shore, but how will it get there from St. Joseph hospital on the Queensway. I guess they could build a bridge at Roncesvalles like there was when Sunnyside was there before they built the Gardiner. Ya that could work