On Tuesday April 21, 2015, Councillor Mark Grimes met with SETAC to discuss transit priorities in Ward 6.

Councillor Mark Grimes and members of SETAC. From left to right: Murray Foster, Councillor Grimes, Mike Olivier, Wanda Buote, and David Meurer.
The key initiatives discussed at the meeting were:
- SETAC’s support for Councillor Grimes’ motion for the TTC to report back on the feasibility of including the relocation of the Humber Loop and the connecting of the streetcar right-of-way between St. Joseph’s Hospital and The Exhibition;
- The importance of completing the Transportation Master Plan for the Park Lawn Rd. and Lake Shore Blvd. W area (which will consider 8 different studies, including the optimal location for a future GO station)
- The TTC-GO Fare Integration Pilot Project and the potential benefits of extending this pilot to Long Branch and Mimico GO stations (where SETAC believes the value of the program, and the purchasing of the integrated fare sticker, would be much higher than the current locations
Councillor Grimes and SETAC will work together over the coming months to move these important transit issues forward.