SETAC – South Etobicoke Transit Action Committee

Streetcar Safety Street Murals for the King Street Pilot

Wysp Creative has won the NXT City Prize in November 2016 for the Streetcar Murals project will be implemented in the City of Toronto’s King Street Pilot.

While inquiring about necessary permits, The City’s Transportation Services department informed Wysp that they were not going to allow the project to move forward. Luckily, the stars aligned and it turned out that the project was a great fit for the King Street Pilot.

This gives Wysp a chance to test what works and what doesn’t in the context of another pilot where data will be collected and analyzed.

Wysp will be working with StreetARToronto to bring the Streetcar Murals to life. StreetARToronto will be researching a number of application methods and we will be tackling the creative side, looking into artists, colour schemes, street art guidelines implemented by other cities, and other safety measures.

Thanks to Katia for letting us know of the status and provider of the King Street Pilot streetcar boarding and alighting street safety murals.

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